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Frontline Arts Buffalo (F.A.B.) seeks to support frontline arts and cultural organizations and artists of color in Buffalo in their transition from conditions of precarity to viability, as they lay the foundation for building the movement to an economy that works with and for the people, in which the arts are central. We know that such an economy requires shifts in consciousness and we know frontline arts are essential in enabling such transformation. We are a collective of artists, arts administrators, engaged citizens, justice advocates, policy researchers, as well as many others who urge the greater community of Buffalo elected officials to support the following positions:

  1. The arts and cultural institutions of Buffalo have been an active player and contributor in the “renaissance” the city is experiencing, thus leading to increased revenue for the city. The City of Buffalo should in turn invest in these institutions as assets by committing to consistent annual funding for the arts. In light of the Black Lives Matter movement we have seen sweep across our nation over this past summer, the defunding of the police should also include a dedicated reappropriation of funds to invest in the frontline arts community in Buffalo.

  2. The City of Buffalo should verify that it is holding capital improvement projects to Chapter 409-3 of the City of Buffalo Code, requiring projects in excess of $500,000 put aside 1% of the total budgeted construction and design cost to create, repair, and maintain works of public art (refer to PPG 2020 Community Agenda Plank #10 for details).

  3. Representation from frontline arts organizations and artist communities must be realized and maintained at all decision making tables when it comes to public art in Buffalo such as on the Buffalo City Arts Commission and the Art in Public Places Committee.